
How to Navigate Tough Times with Website Updates

April 16, 2024

How to Navigate Tough Times with Website Updates

By Ronald Hadley (ronald.hadley@biztipstoday.com).   Photo by Freepik

In today’s dynamic business landscape, small businesses face unprecedented challenges. Uncertainty prevails, and adaptability is critical to survival. One powerful tool in a small business owner’s arsenal is their website. Today, Guild Creative explores some essential website modifications that can help small businesses like yours thrive in uncertain times:


Efficiency in Action

Slow-loading websites can deter potential customers. In a world where every second counts, a website that takes too long to load can drive potential customers away. To combat this, implement techniques such as image optimization and content delivery networks (CDNs) to boost loading times. Image optimization reduces the file size of images on your website without compromising quality, while CDNs distribute your website’s content across multiple servers globally, ensuring faster loading times for users across different regions.

Knowledge is Power: Invest in Your IT Education

A robust IT grasp proves invaluable in an ever-evolving digital landscape. Exploring the possibility of returning to educational institutions to augment your web and IT acumen is a judicious choice. Embarking on an online degree journey – perhaps by looking into potentially lucrative cybersecurity programs – offers the opportunity to acquire proficiencies in systems and services, networking, scripting, data management, and the business of IT. This educational investment amplifies your capacity to oversee and fine-tune your website and bolsters your overall digital footprint so you can navigate uncertain times adeptly.

Stay Fresh and Relevant: Regularly Update Website Content

Fresh and relevant content is the lifeblood of your website. It keeps visitors engaged and informed. Regularly updating your website with new content, whether it’s blog posts, product descriptions, or news updates, can significantly impact your online presence. Consistent updates also improve your website’s search engine ranking so it’s more discoverable to potential customers. In uncertain times, staying relevant and visible is crucial for small businesses.

Embrace Digital Evolution

Offering online ordering and delivery can expand your customer base and revenue streams. The convenience of online ordering has become increasingly popular, and businesses that embrace this trend are better positioned to thrive. Ensure a user-friendly interface for a seamless customer experience. Your website should make the ordering process easy and intuitive, providing customers with a hassle-free way to purchase your products or services online.

Fortify Your Digital Fortress: Increase Website Security

Cybersecurity is a paramount concern for any business operating in the digital sphere. Protect your business and customer data from cyber threats by investing in robust security measures. SSL certificates, which encrypt data transmitted between your website and users, are essential for building trust. Regular security audits can help identify vulnerabilities and ensure your website remains secure. The last thing you need is a data breach compromising your business’s reputation and integrity.

Reach Every Screen

As more users access websites via smartphones, mobile optimization is no longer optional – it’s essential. A responsive design ensures a consistent and user-friendly experience across all devices, from desktop computers to mobile phones and tablets. Neglecting mobile optimization can lead to a high bounce rate, as users frustrated with a non-responsive website seek alternatives. Make sure your website adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes and orientations.

Harness Social Media Synergy

Social media platforms offer a valuable opportunity to connect with your audience and drive traffic to your website. To maximize your online presence, leverage social media to promote your products or services. Create a cohesive online presence by interlinking your social profiles with your website. Include links to your website in your social media bios and posts, encouraging users to explore your offerings and engage with your content. This synergy between social media and your website can significantly boost your online visibility and customer engagement.

Website Updates to Help You Navigate Tough Times

Small businesses can thrive in uncertain times by making strategic website adjustments. All the upgrades above can contribute to a robust online presence. By implementing these measures, your small business can not only weather uncertain times but also position itself for long-term success in an ever-evolving market. Stay agile, stay informed, and embrace the power of digital evolution to master online success!

Guild Creative is the marketing agency you’ve been looking for. We look forward to hearing from you!

Chart Your Entrepreneurial Voyage: A Guide to Succeeding from Square One

October 27, 2023

Businessman viewing smart phone infant of brick building outside

By Ronald Hadley (ronald.hadley@biztipstoday.com).   Photo by Freepik

The entrepreneurial spirit isn’t defined by the depth of one’s pockets but by the strength of one’s vision and determination. While vast reserves of capital can certainly expedite business growth, a lack of funds doesn’t signify the end of an entrepreneurial dream. History is replete with examples of businesses that rose from minimal capital outlays, relying instead on innovation, strategic partnerships, and sheer grit. If you’re contemplating taking the entrepreneurial leap with little to no startup capital, this article, courtesy of Guild Creative, offers a roadmap to navigate the challenging, yet rewarding, journey ahead.

Map Out Your Business Plan

A robust business plan acts as both a magnet for potential investors and a navigational guide for internal processes. This document should be comprehensive, encompassing the mission, vision, and a meticulous breakdown of short and long-term objectives. It should outline the strategies for achieving these goals and should be treated as a dynamic tool, subject to periodic review and updates.

Form Partnerships

Joining forces with individuals who align with your business objectives can be a mutually beneficial move. Through this alliance, both parties stand to benefit from a shared pool of competencies, networking reach, and material resources. The financial burden of starting up is substantially eased when capital and risks are distributed. Additionally, the cross-pollination of ideas can result in innovative solutions that catalyze growth more rapidly than solo ventures.

Outsource to Save Money

Rather than hiring full-time employees for specific roles, which comes with substantial overhead costs like benefits, training, and office space, startups can tap into a vast pool of specialized talent available on freelance platforms or by working with agencies that offer marketing, design, or even accounting support. This allows businesses to pay only for the exact services they need, and often at a fraction of the cost.

Uphold Strong Credit History

Maintaining a robust credit profile is a vital part of ensuring long-term financial stability. A positive credit standing not only improves the chances of securing loans at attractive interest rates but also establishes credibility when soliciting investment. It’s prudent to keep tabs on your credit score and seek ways to uplift it, as this can prove to be a key advantage in obtaining future financing.

Foster Strong Supplier Relationships

Establishing a strong professional relationship with those who supply your business can result in mutually beneficial outcomes. Open dialogues concerning payment flexibilities or volume-based price reductions can bring about substantial cost savings. These saved funds can then be reallocated to other critical business functions, thus contributing to healthier cash flow dynamics.

Home in on Customer Loyalty

Exceptional customer service is the cornerstone of any successful business. A satisfied customer is not only likely to return but also to become an advocate for your business, sharing their positive experience within their network. This organic form of word-of-mouth advertising is invaluable and reduces the cost associated with acquiring new customers.

Invest Earnings for Growth

While it may be tempting to pocket all profits as personal income, strategic reinvestment into the business holds the promise of future gains. These reinvested funds could be utilized for product development, marketing campaigns, or even human resources training. The focus should be on initiatives that are likely to scale the business, thereby augmenting future income potential.

Carefully Scrutinize Expenditures

Being vigilant about costs without compromising quality is crucial for ensuring that the business remains financially healthy. It’s essential to regularly review all outflows and isolate opportunities for monetary efficiencies. This is particularly important for a startup where funds are generally limited and every dollar spent must yield optimal returns.

Starting a business with limited capital certainly presents its challenges, but it also paves the way for innovative solutions and strategic thinking. The initial phase may require a delicate balance of prioritizing essential expenses and leveraging cost-effective resources. But with determination, clarity of vision, and adaptability, it’s entirely possible to lay the foundation for a thriving business. As you move forward, let your constraints inspire creativity and resilience, reminding you that success isn’t always measured by the size of one’s budget, but by the impact and value one creates.


Guild Creative is a full-service marketing agency dedicated to servicing small businesses in the Loveland, Fort Collins, Longmont, and Boulder area. Reach out today to find out more!

The Ultimate Guide to Designing a Business Growth-Oriented Website

October 11, 2023

By Ronald Hadley (ronald.hadley@biztipstoday.com)

In today’s digital age, having a website is an essential tool for business growth and development. A well-designed website can help increase brand awareness, generate leads, and boost sales. However, designing a website that contributes to business growth requires more than just creating a visually appealing layout. In this article, Guild Creative shares some tips and advice on how to design and build a website that contributes to business growth.

1 2 A Clear Purpose

Before you begin working on your website design, it’s crucial to determine your website’s purpose. What do you want to achieve with your website? Do you want to generate leads, sell products, or provide information? By having a clear purpose, you can create a website that aligns with your overall business goals, making it easier to measure your website’s success.

2 Intuitive Interface

An intuitive user interface (UI) is essential for any website. Your website’s UI should be easy to navigate, with a clear menu and well-organized content. Make sure your website’s content is spaced out and easy to read, with clear headings and subheadings. Additionally, ensure that your website’s pages load quickly and optimize the website’s images to improve the page’s loading time.

3 Intelligent Automation Apps and Tools

Intelligent automation apps and tools play a crucial role in optimizing websites for better performance. They make it easier to reduce manual work and improve customer service, among other things. Chatbots and marketing automation software are some of the tools that businesses can use to streamline their operations. Check it out for more info on how these tools can help grow your business in today’s digital age.

4 Understanding of Your Audience

Understanding your audience is critical when designing your website. Who are your target customers? What are their needs and preferences? By understanding your audience, you can create a website that resonates with them, making it easier to convert visitors to customers. Conduct market research, develop buyer personas, and undertake user testing to gain insights into your audience.

5 A Responsive Website

A responsive website is essential for business growth. A responsive website means that the website can adapt to different screen sizes, making it easy to navigate on different devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones. With more people accessing websites from mobile devices, having a responsive website ensures that you don’t lose potential customers due to poor user experience.

6 Strategic Visuals

Visuals are an essential aspect of website design. From images to videos, visuals can help make your content more engaging and memorable. However, it’s crucial to use visuals strategically. Use high-quality images and videos that align with your brand’s message and tone. Additionally, ensure that the visual elements don’t slow down your website’s loading time.

7 Your Coding Skills

While you don’t need to be a coding expert to design a website, having some basic coding skills can be helpful. Knowing how to code can help you customize your website’s design, optimize its performance, and troubleshoot any technical issues that may arise. You can take online courses or attend coding boot camps to brush up on your coding skills.

To create a website that truly contributes to business growth, it’s important to go beyond just aesthetics and consider the site’s purpose. By developing an intuitive interface and leveraging intelligent automation tools, you can create a website that not only looks good but also drives traffic and generates leads. Ultimately, aligning your website with your overall business goals is key to achieving sustainable growth.


Thanks Ron!

Revitalize Your Brand With These Simple Actionable Tips

May 24, 2023

Hand sketching Brand on notepad

By Ronald Hadley (ronald.hadley@biztipstoday.com)

Refreshing a company’s brand can be a game-changer for the organization. Rebranding gives a business the opportunity to redefine what they stand for and what they want to accomplish. It offers an ideal occasion to re-evaluate business strategies and adjust to the latest industry trends. In this article, Guild Creative offers tips for effectively refreshing a company’s brand.

Why Rebranding Is Essential

In an ever-changing business landscape, it is essential to stay relevant. Rebranding enables your company to remain relevant, current, and competitive. Companies that rebrand experience a boost in profitability, customer loyalty, and overall brand awareness. Refreshing a company’s brand allows the business to adjust to the ever-changing market trends and stay ahead of the competition.

Reinventing Your Mission and Vision

The first step in rebranding is identifying the company’s mission and vision. The mission statement defines the company’s ethos, illustrating its purpose and how it aims to succeed. The vision statement paints a picture of where the company sees itself in the future. Revisiting and redefining these statements as part of the rebranding process will help keep the company’s values aligned.

Marketing on Social Media

Social media is an essential tool for promoting a company’s brand. The platforms offer an opportunity for businesses to engage with existing and potential customers. Marketing through social media is an excellent way to reach new audiences, generate leads, and increase traffic to the company website. Where you market your brand is equally essential. Identify the social media platform relevant to your business and where the target audience is more active.

Fresh Branding Efforts

Incorporating new advertisements, logos, and visuals can breathe new life into a company’s brand. A new brand look refreshes the business and offers a new narrative to existing customers. New branding advertisements should resonate with the company’s mission and vision. This approach will ensure that the new branding stays on message and consistent with the company’s ethos. See how Guild Creative can help.

Incentivizing Feedback

Considering user research incentives is a great way to encourage customers to provide feedback during the rebranding process. Seeking customer feedback is crucial to the success of any rebranding efforts as it provides insight into how the brand is perceived by customers. By offering cash or gift card incentives, businesses can incentivize customers to participate in providing valuable feedback for improving the company’s branding.

A Winning Slogan

A slogan is an integral part of a company’s branding, serving as a concise and memorable representation of its mission and values. A catchy and memorable slogan can effectively capture the attention of potential customers. Updating a slogan can re-engage existing customers and attract new ones, helping a company stay relevant in an ever-changing market.

Updating Your Website

A company’s website is often the first encounter potential customers have with the business. It is essential to update the website to reflect the new brand’s look and feel. Updating the website with the latest company messaging and industry trends ensures that customers receive up-to-date information about the company. Additionally, optimizing the website to be mobile-responsive ensures that potential customers have access to the site from their mobile devices.

Marketing Automation

If you are looking for a way to manage and organize your marketing campaigns more efficiently, consider this option: a marketing automation platform. With its ability to streamline processes and keep your team on top of their tasks, you can focus on delivering the best content to your target audience. Additionally, with its personalized communication capabilities, you can improve your customer relationships and drive more sales.


In conclusion, refreshing a company’s brand might seem daunting, but with the right strategy, it can reinvigorate the business and take it to the next level. By following these tips, the company can reassert its values, revitalize its brand, and attract new audiences. A successful rebranding ensures that the business stays fresh, current, and aligned with its original mission and vision.

A Golden Social Media and Marketing Opportunity

November 22, 2022

Google My Biz lsocial media and marketing logo over golden background

Google is a powerhouse. In fact, Google is responsible for 94% of total organic traffic. Surprised? Probably not. Google is likely the first place you turn when you need to find a business, product or service near you. And, if it’s the first place you turn, where do you think your customers turn? The odds are good that they turn to Google as well. So why not take advantage of that knowledge and leverage a powerful, and free social media and marketing tool offered by Google – Google My Business.

Think of Google My Business as a way to share information about your business when your customer is searching for it. Pretty amazing, right! There are very few “must have’s” in the world of social media and marketing. Google My Business however, is a must have, and here’s why.

Show Up In Google Search and Maps

When your Google My Business account is fully populated with your business details (website, address, phone, hours open, services, etc.), your business will show up more frequently in both search and maps. Showing up in search means your potential customers have more opportunities to visit your website, call you or stop in to your physical location.

Learn Customer Insight

Customers like to leave reviews. And, potential customers like to read the reviews of your current customers. With Google My Business, customers can leave reviews about your business directly on your account. And, once you claim and verify your listing, you have the ability to respond to their reviews, whether they are good or bad! It’s an instant way to begin a conversation, and understand what your customers are truly saying about your business.

Understand Searches

Within your Google My Business account, there is a great section called Insights. This section provides a wealth of knowledge including how customers search for your business and what search queries were used to find your business profile. This information is like marketing gold! If you know the words/phrases that customers are using to find your business, you can use those words/phrases more in your content marketing strategy, and potentially drive additional traffic to your website.

Feature Products, Services and Photos

Because your Google My Business account is your business profile, you are able to (and should) post updates about your business. And, they can be self-promotional! For example, you can share details on a new product or service, an upcoming event, a sale or any other business update that you may have. And what’s more is that you can include a corresponding photo, and a link back to your website, or offer a click to call opportunity.

The bottom line is that creating a Google My Business account is free, easy and the benefits can be exceptional for your business. If you haven’t claimed your account yet, do it as soon as possible. If you’ve claimed it and haven’t leveraged it yet, do that now! The more you add in terms of business information, and share with your audience, the more you will get out of it.

And if you need a bit more help with your marketing plan, contact us. We can help develop a customized social media and marketing plan based on your goals, and your budget.


This is a guest post from Kristen Davis, CEO & Founder of Athenian Marketing.

Small Business Tips For Choosing A Resource To Create Your Corporate Identity:

October 26, 2022

Graphic Designer

I will not be digging into an analysis of what makes a great corporate identity but focusing on the creative services aspect and helping you choose the right resource to develop and create your corporate/brand identity.

In general, corporate identity is the overall image and personality of a business that is projected externally to consumers, businesses, and the general public. I once heard a comparison made to a person’s persona; those first impressions we get when we meet someone. It’s our personality, character and individuality.

The visual aspect is, of course, accomplished through design via logos, business cards, websites, ads, collateral materials, advertising, digital marketing, etc. It all starts with your logo, badge, or emblem. In today’s world of information overload, it’s imperative that your identity design is a distinct representation of your business and its products or services and stands out from your competition. Your logo should reflect trust, credibility and have lasting value. An amateur or unprofessional logo essentially tells people that your business is not to be taken seriously. They could associate cheapness with your brand name, and it will be permanently tarnished in their minds.

So, what should you be looking for, knowing that excellent design skills and a proven track record are a given?

  • They should have a good understanding of how businesses operate and, ideally, ones that are typical in your market.
  • They should be willing to take the time to learn about your company and its products and services and check out your competition’s brand.
  • They should be a good fit for the size of your company and budget.
  • They should show a genuine interest in your company and be asking questions and making suggestions.
  • They should have a clear understanding of the basics of sales and marketing and know what branding is all about.
  • They should take the time to explain the process and be responsive, accessible, and dependable.

Steve Guild is the owner of Guild Creative LLC /

logo design fort collins

Why do Businesses need a Branding Agency?

October 19, 2022

Branding Banner

The fierce market competition poses a threat to the brands we build today. The market is full of choices, which often confuses the consumer and denies businesses a fair opportunity to connect with and capture the attention of their intended audience. A logo or visual style is only one aspect of branding. Your audience’s impression of you is what matters. While expanding your business, it is imperative to be conscious of your brand and its effect on your ability to sell. But more crucially, it makes you recognizable to the people and offers you the chance to gradually forge a relationship with them that results in genuine brand loyalty. That is why hiring a professional agency for your success makes sense. Guild Creative is a reputed branding agency in Fort Collins. Here’s why you should hire a professional company for branding.

Boosts business’s success

Launching a new brand and rebranding an existing one or giving it a new visual identity can be challenging. Consumer engagement with brands has changed, which makes it difficult for businesses to stay ahead of the competition and reach their target audience. Your logo, website, social media profiles, ads, and any other means customers can interact with you are all part of your brand. Constantly developing new strategies to maintain competition and the company’s branding across all channels is no easy task for a firm. A professional agency understands your objectives and creates strategies to promote your business’s success.

Lasting credibility

A branding agency creates a professional appearance, which is crucial for long-term reputation and loyalty. Businesses that look legitimate always build a client base of recurring consumers who voluntarily become the best brand ambassadors. You can find exceptional services for branding in Fort Collins.

Fresh perspective

It can be challenging to brand or rebrand some organizations, especially established ones, as they tend to get locked in specific habits. Although you may be familiar with your brand, a professional branding firm may be more familiar with your target audience. An effective branding strategy is adaptable to the needs of consumers. To make your brand stand out in a competitive market, a branding agency assists you in changing your perspective and pointing you in fresh directions. An agency plays a crucial role in encouraging a unique and creative branding approach. Guild Creative, a leading advertising agency in Fort Collins, offers excellent solutions to promote your business.

Impressive ROI

Any business must devote enough time and resources to brand its goods and services. Hiring a branding agency offers a wider skill and better opportunities to expand the company and increase income.

Guild Creative is a reputed digital advertising agency in Boulder. They offer remarkable branding services, among others. To know more, call 262-573-3714 or write to steve@guildcreative.com.

4 Unbeatable Reasons to hire a Marketing Agency

September 21, 2022

Marketing Agency

There is no doubt that good advertising is vital to most businesses. Attractive, meaningful ads can leave a great impact, whether a start-up or a large, prominent firm. Therefore, it is crucial to create relevant, valuable, and unique content to make your advertising campaign successful. But what role does a marketing agency play in this situation? You may have questioned the necessity of outsourcing your advertising altogether. Creative brains may be working for your company after all. Then, why is there a necessity to hire experts for the same? Guild Creative is a top-notch marketing company in Fort Collins that can help you grow your business in many ways.

Here are the top 6 benefits of working with an advertising agency for your company.

Saves time

In the business world, time is money. This statement also holds true in marketing and digital advertising. Brand promotion does not happen in a day. It takes a substantial amount of time to plan it thoroughly, which often leaves little time for a business to focus on other aspects such as lead generation or brand creation. Advertising companies are experts at conceptualizing and carrying out campaigns with specialized teams for each marketing niche. That is why employing one for your campaign makes sense because it frees you up to handle daily tasks and work on other things like building and boosting your brand.

Improved strategy

Consistency is one of the essential principles of a successful campaign. An advertising campaign, like any other marketing approach, focuses on promoting the correct message across all media to build brand recognition. As a result, it becomes crucial to implement a proper plan of action for successful outcomes. A marketing company takes into different factors and prioritizes your company goals to put the plan in place.

Better resources

Another significant benefit of hiring an advertising firm is the large pool of resources. You get the whole package, consisting of experts who are skilled in different marketing and advertising aspects. It results in improved tactics and campaigns. You can find such digital advertising services in Fort Collins at Guild Creative.


Your life will be considerably better if you hire an advertising firm. There are numerous departments inside advertising companies, each focusing on a particular area of the marketing mix. As a result, agencies have a thorough understanding of what the consumer wants and how to arrange their items to meet their needs, which is essential for developing successful campaigns.

Guild Creative is a reputed marketing agency in Fort Collins. Their expert team understands your requirements and delivers turnkey solutions to match and fulfill your needs. For more, call 262-573-3714 or write to steve@guildcreative.com.

What’s Your Brand Identity?

August 25, 2022

Whats your brand identity

An essential aspect of your business is the topic of brand development. Logo design and brand identity development go hand-in-hand. They both provide the face, look, and feel for your product and overall company. Your logo and brand identity is the first impression you give your customers, and it is what they will remember about you.

In today’s world of information overload, it’s imperative that your identity design is a distinct representation of your business and its products or services and helps you stand out from your competition. In addition, your logo and brand identity should reflect trust, credibility, and lasting value.

It is also essential when creating your brand identity that not only must your brand help identify who you or your company is, but you also want your brand to be “identifiable” with your target audience. So, you must remember to create your brand identity with your customers in mind.

A good brand marketing manager will consider all this and more to help you establish your niche, provide a differentiating factor, make you stand out in the crowd, and make your brand memorable. We know a great person at Guild Creative who can help you do just that!

Contact steve@guildcreative.com

4 Efficient Tips Every Business Should Follow

August 25, 2022

Business Plan Checklist

Most individuals first consider logos and colors when they think of branding. However, a business logo for brand recognition is only one aspect of branding. It is also about how you make an impression on a consumer and the message you convey. First impressions speak volumes about your business, values, and positioning. Business owners need to consider branding’s unexpected consequences. However, branding can be both time-consuming and a complicated process. So how can we simplify things? Guild Creative is a remarkable branding agency in Fort Collins. Here are 4 tips to efficiently build a strong brand for your business.

Create a clear identification

Although catchy names and graphics may seem interesting, they may not be ideal for expressing your company’s story. Your brand should be clear about what you do and the goods or services you offer through your name, logo, and tagline. Failing to do that may cause a waste of time and effort in explaining the fundamentals. Instead, you can utilize that time to build a relationship with potential audiences.

Know your audience

Launching a new service or product comes with many risks. Understanding the market environment and knowing how to minimize risk will make your brand’s marketing initiatives more cost-effective. The key to successful marketing is understanding your target audience and how to reach them. A specialized market group should be the first focus rather than general objectives. Therefore, identifying your target audience is a crucial first step before you start marketing your company. Are you looking for branding services in Fort Collins? You can find reliable solutions at Guild Creative.

Build a good online presence

Every business, big or small, should have a well-designed website. It is an effective means of creating and building an online presence. A website helps establish credibility.

Plan for the long-term

Even if short-term outcomes are successful, you shouldn’t sacrifice long-term brand growth for them. You can build strong brands by investing a lot of time and effort. It can be easy to lose sight of your long-term objectives when you notice other businesses utilizing branding strategies that seem to be effective. Guild Creative is a well-known advertising agency in Fort Collins. They can help your business to maintain brand consistency for the long run.

Are you looking for a branding agency in Fort Collins? Guild Creative has over 20 years of experience in the business. They can establish a unique corporate identity for your company to differentiate you from the competition, captivate your audience, and build brand recognition with the customers you want. For more, write to steve@guildcreative.com.